The Game Theory Laboratory together with the Office of the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights held an accelerator seminar at the HSE
On December 13, 2024, the HSE in St. Petersburg hosted the accelerator seminar: "Labyrinth of hypotheses: effective practices for the prevention of social orphanhood”.
Researchers, postgraduates, students, experts and representatives of government institutions met at one venue to discuss issues of reducing the level of social orphanhood in the country.
On behalf of the HSE, the event was attended by the Dean of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, Tatiana Andreevna Lezina, and the Head of the International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making, Alexander Sergeevich Nesterov, who in turn made proposals for the purpose of forming a list of hypotheses and further research.
"The All-Russian inspection shows a lack of working ideas for solving the identified difficulties. There is no single center of expertise that could answer all the questions posed, a unification of efforts is required. Cooperation between representatives of different disciplines leads to the emergence of new and fruitful concepts", — noted the Head of the Office of the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights, Alexey Gazaryan.
During the discussions a list of hypotheses is collected that may form the basis for research and development in the future.
What was proposed and discussed at the meeting:
- how a system of selective monitoring of cases of assistance to families can work
- which channels and in what format could be used for parents to be informed so that they know who and when they can contact without worrying about the consequences
- who in the area could act as a protector of the family and represent its interests
- how does the media image of social services, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, and juvenile affairs commission influence the provision of assistance to families
- which programs of supporting parents in solving children's learning difficulties can help in a crisis situation
- what are the prospects for applying the anthropological approach, how to proceed from the family, its interests and needs
- and much more.
The meeting was organized with the support of the HSE, MGPPU, and St. Petersburg State University and brought together more than 100 participants in person and online.
Source link: VISP (All-Russian Inspectorate)