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Семинар лаборатории теории игр и принятия решений, 25 июня: Jackie Zhang

Title: Optimal incentives for innovation adoption
Presenter: Jackie Zhang, Assistant Professor at Xiamen University
Date & Time: June 25, 1 PM
Where: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor

Title: School choice problem with externalities, weak strategic properties of decision mechanisms on the example of a rank-minimizing algorithmPresenter: Andrei V. Belykh, University of Naples Federico IIDate & Time: June 24, 2 PMWhere: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor

Тема: Проблема выбора школы с экстерналиями, слабые стратегические свойства механизмов решения на примере ранг-минимизирующего алгоритма
Докладчик: Андрей Белых, University of Naples Federico II
Дата и время: 24 июня, 14.00
Место: Кантемировская 3/1, 5 этаж

GT Lab Internal Seminar, June 11 - Rustamdjan Hakimov

Title: AI vs HR: A Field Experiment on Hiring
Presenter: Rustamdjan Hakimov, Associate Professor at the University of Lausanne
Date & Time: June 11, 1 PM
Where: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor

GT Lab Internal Seminar, May 15: Debasis Mishra

Title: Undominated monopoly regulation
Speaker: Debasis Mishra, Professor in the Economics and Planning Unit at Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi
Date & Time: May 15, 3 PM
Where: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor

GT Lab Internal Seminar on March, 20: Dmitirii Dagaev, Sofia Paklina, Petr Parshakov

Title: A Beauty Contest Experiment with Artificial Players
Speakers: Dmitirii Dagaev (HSE Moscow), Sofia Paklina (HSE Perm), Petr Parshakov (HSE Perm)
Date: March 20, 15.00
Venue: Kantemirovskaya 3/1, 5th floor

GT Lab Internal Seminar on March, 6: Anna Bogomolnaia

Title:  Ex Ante Fair Division
Speaker:Anna Bogomolnaia, University of Glasgow
Date & Time: March, 6; 15.00
Where: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor

Game theory Lab Winter Workshop

Speakers: Anna Bogomolnaia (University of Glasgow), Aleksei Kondratiev (HSE aint Petersburg), Ozgur Evren (NES), Shafir Safi (NES), Kivanch Akoz (HSE Moscow), Sergei Stepanov (HSE Moscow), PAvel Andreyanov (HSE Moscow), Emre Dogan (HSE Moscow), Ekaterina Lorits (HSE Saint Petersburg)
Date: February 28th
Venue: Kantemirovskaya 3/1, 5th floor

GT Lab Internal Seminar on December, 6: Dhritiman Gupta

Title:  Prize Sharing Rules in Collective Contests: Towards Strategic Foundations
Speaker: Dhritiman Gupta, HSE
Date & Time: December, 6; 15.00
Where: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor

GT Lab Internal Seminar on November 15: Yuliya Veselova

Title: Manipulation of voters of different levels of the cognitive hierarchy under incomplete information
Speaker: Yuliya Veselova, HSE
Date & Time: November,15; 15.00
Where: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor

GT Lab Internal Seminar on November, 8: Sofia Rubtsova

Title: Optimal pricing and matching policy on two-sided platforms in the presence of disintermediation
Speaker: Sofia Rubtsova, HSE
Date & Time: November 8; 15.00
Where: Kantemirovskaya str 3/1, 5th floor