Events in July: SING12, Game Theory Festival, EURO2016, GAMES 2016.
Multiple international research conferences were attended by the staff of the International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making in July.
Ilya Katsev (talk "The SD-prenucleolus and the SD-prekernel", joint work with Javier Arin) and Elena Yanovska (talk "A characterization of the NashMaximum Product (NMP) solutionfor fair division problems") visited 12th European Meeting on game theory "SING12", which took place at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense) on July 11-13, 2016. Ilya Katsev was also presented the paper "The SD-prenucleolus and the SD-prekernel" at the "28th European Conference on Operational Research" (EURO2016, Poznan, Poland) and "The 27th International Conference On Game Theory" (Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, USA).Fedor Sandomirskiy presented his paper "On repeated zero-sum games with incomplete information and asymptotically bounded values" at the Fifth World Congress of the Game Theory Society (Maastricht, Netherlands).