Postdoctoral Research positions at International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making
The International Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making in St. Petersburg, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of Game Theory, Economic Design, Computational Economics, and Discrete Mathematics.
The position involves:
- working under the direct supervision of Prof. Herve Moulin, lab’s academic supervisor;
- participants are encouraged to pursue their own research along with working on Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making research projects such as:
- market design & mechanism design
- game theory: strategic, algorithmic, and applied
- writing research papers for international peer-reviewed journals in co-authorship with the members of the Lab;
- participation in the events of the Lab and other contribution to the Lab’s development;
- public presentations of candidate’s own research to the academic community;
- some teaching is encouraged, though not required.
Apply now