Городской экономический семинар (ВШЭ, ЕУ, ПОМИ) 30 января: Рустам Хакимов (University of Lausanne)
Тема: How to Avoid Black Markets for Appointments with Online Booking Systems
Докладчик: Рустам Хакимов (University of Lausanne)
Дата и время: 30 января 2020 года, 18:00 - 19:30
Место: Санкт-Петербург, набережная Фонтанки, д.27 ПОМИ РАН, Мраморный зал (2й этаж)
Рабочий язык: английский
Приглашаем принять участие в Городском экономическом семинаре (ВШЭ, ЕУ, ПОМИ) в Санкт-Петербурге 30 января 2020 года.
Рустам Хакимов (University of Lausanne) выступит с докладом How to Avoid Black Markets for Appointments with Online Booking Systems
Время: 18:00-19:30
Место: Санкт-Петербург, Набережная Фонтанки, д.27, ПОМИ РАН, Мраморный зал (2-й этаж)
Аннотация: Allocating appointment slots is presented as a new application for market design. We consider online booking systems that are commonly used by public authorities to allocate appointments for driver's licenses, visa interviews, passport renewals, etc. We document that black markets for appointments have developed in many parts of the world. Scalpers book the appointments that are offered for free and sell the slots to appointment seekers. We model the existing first-come-first-served booking system and propose an alternative system. The alternative system collects applications for slots for a certain time period and then randomly allocates slots to applicants. We investigate the two systems under conditions of low and high demand for slots. The theory predicts and lab experiments confirm that scalpers profitably book and sell slots under the current system with high demand, but that they are not active in the proposed new system under both demand conditions.
Keywords: Market design, online booking system, first come first served, scalping
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