Городской экономический семинар (ВШЭ, ЕУ, ПОМИ) 05 марта: Александр Скоробогатов (НИУ ВШЭ Санкт-Петербург)
Тема: The effect of alcohol sales restrictions on alcohol poisoning mortality: evidence from Russia
Докладчик: Александр Скоробогатов (НИУ ВШЭ Санкт-Петербург)
Дата и время: 05 марта 2020 года, 18:00 - 19:30
Место: Санкт-Петербург, набережная Фонтанки, д.27 ПОМИ РАН, Мраморный зал (2й этаж)
Рабочий язык: английский
Приглашаем принять участие в Городском экономическом семинаре (ВШЭ, ЕУ, ПОМИ) в Санкт-Петербурге 05 марта 2020 года.
Александр Скоробогатов (НИУ ВШЭ Санкт-Петербург) выступит с докладом The effect of alcohol sales restrictions on alcohol poisoning mortality: evidence from Russia.
Время: 18:00-19:30
Место: Санкт-Петербург, Набережная Фонтанки, д.27, ПОМИ РАН, Мраморный зал (2-й этаж)
Аннотация: This paper examines the tough anti-alcohol legislation recently introduced in Russia, which due to regional variation allows it to be used as a natural experiment. The effect of the restriction of trading hours on alcoholic poisoning mortality is estimated. To establish the causal link, difference-in-differences, synthetic controls, and their generalized version are used. The main conclusion is that the sales restrictions lead to higher alcohol poisoning mortality, which implies that more toxic alcohol surrogates serve as substitutes for commercially available alcohol.
Unfortunately, no scoring rule is completely consistent, but there are weaker notions of consistency we can use. There are scoring rules which are consistent if we add or remove a unanimous winner -- such as an athlete with suspiciously strong results. Likewise, consistent for removing or adding a unanimous loser -- such as a spoiler candidate in an election. While extremely permissive individually, together these two criteria pin down a one-parameter family with the geometric sequence of scores. These geometric scoring rules include Borda count, generalised plurality (medal count), and generalised antiplurality (threshold rule) as edge cases, and we provide elegant new axiomatisations of these rules. Finally, we demonstrate how the one-parameter formulation can simplify the selection of suitable scoring rules for particular scenarios.
The effect of alcohol sales restrictions on alcohol poisoning mortality: evidence from Russia (PDF, 1.88 Мб)
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