Семинар лаборатории теории игр и принятия решений, 1 ноября: Анастасия Анцыгина
Тема: Support Networks in Contests
Докладчик: Анастасия Анцыгина, ВШЭ
Дата и время: 1 ноября, 15.00
Место: Кантемировская 3/1, 5 этаж
Приглашаем вас принять участие в семинаре лаборатории в Санкт-Петербурге 1 ноября 2023 года.
Анастасия Анцыгина (ВШЭ) выступит с докладом "Support Networks in Contests".
Время: 15:00
Аннотация: We study how three heterogenous agents form a support network in the face of bilateral conflict. With a positive probability, each agent engages in a contest game, which we model as an all-pay auction with complete information, against one of his peers. Before the contest, the agents can create a network to support each other. Forming a link is costly but results in direct (effort cost reduction) and indirect (joy of winning) benefits. We show that a pairwise stable network always exists, and complete network is never in this set. The exact number of links being formed depends on the size of indirect benefits. In particular, a network with two links is pairwise stable if and only if indirect benefits are large enough. Finally, a pairwise stable network is generally inefficient and can display either underinvest or overinvest in the links.
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