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Исследовательский семинар 9 декабря

Приглашаем на очередной научный семинар нашей лаборатории! Мероприятие состоится в эту пятницу в 16.50 в аудитории № 355 по адресу ул. Кантемировская д. 3А. Тема доклада на этой неделе - "Matching with Cardinal Preferences: Theory and Experiment".

Тема доклада:   Matching with Cardinal Preferences: Theory and Experiment

(доцент деп. Экономики НИУ ВШЭ, с.н.с. лаб. Теории игр и принятия решений ВШЭ)
По совместной работе с Felix Schmidt (University of Mainz)

Аннотация: We study the one-sided matching problem of arbitrary size where agents report their cardinal preferences over the objects and propose a new mechanism: serial lottery (SL). SL satisfies strong strategy-proofness (truth-telling up to scaling is a strictly dominant strategy), Platonic fairness (symmetry and antisymmetry), and sensitivity (any change in report changes the corresponding assignment probability), but is wasteful. We show that each mechanism satisfying (i) strong strategy proofness, or (ii) Platonic fairness and strategy-proofness, or (iii) sensitivity and strategy-proofness, is wasteful. We then compare the performance of SL and two competing mechanisms – an asymptotically non-manipulable pseudo-market mechanism (PM, Hylland and Zeckhauser 1979) and a manipulable pseudo-auction mechanism (PA, Sönmez and Ünver, 2010) – in a field experiment, where 364 students were assigned topics for exposé using one of the three mechanisms. We find that subjects manipulate in PA significantly more often than in SL and PM. We also find that the PA assignment has a higher welfare than SL and PM, evaluated at both reported preferences and true preferences.

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своих или чужих идей, показавшихся интересными.
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Если Вы хотите выступить на семинаре, свяжитесь с Федором Сандомирским: sandomirski@yandex.ru, +7(921)633-23-53