Исследовательский семинар 17 февраля
Приглашаем на очередную встречу в рамках регулярного семинара, которая состоится 17 февраля (пятница) в 16.50.
Адрес: Кантемировская ул., дом 3,Высшая Школа Экономики, ауд. 358
Тема доклада: Why are newer cities richer in Russia? A spatial equilibrium approach
Докладчик: Александр Скоробогатов (НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург)
Докладчик: Александр Скоробогатов (НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург)
Аннотация: I consider the negative relationship between the age of cities and their average wages in Russia and a number of post-Soviet countries. To determine a mechanism behind this relationship, a spatial equilibrium model was developed. The empirical strategy is reduced to using the model to guide the interpretation of regression estimates. Based on this model I decompose the correlations of city age with wage, population size, housing price, and resource use into the partial effects of production, construction, consumption and extraction amenities. According to the results, higher real wages in newer cities reflect both their disadvantages as places for living and their production advantages. The latter are related to their production and construction amenities, higher shares of skilled workers, and more available natural resources. At the same time, these advantages and disadvantages tend to disappear over time, which gives rise to income convergence.
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