Научный семинар 12 марта: Владислав Нора (Назарбаев Университет)
Тема: Dynamic assignment without money: Optimality of spot mechanisms
Дата и время: 12 марта 2019 года, 16:50
Место: ул. Кантемировская, д.3 к.1, ауд.358
Дата и время: 12 марта 2019 года (вторник), 16:50 - 18:10
Место: ул. Кантемировская, д.3 к.1, ауд.358
Тема: Dynamic assignment without money: Optimality of spot mechanisms
(with Olivier Tercieux and Julien Combe)
Докладчик: Владислав Нора (Назарбаев Университет)
Рабочий язык: английский
We consider a problem of allocating objects to agents over a sequence of periods and without monetary transfers. This situation commonly arises when assigning courses to students, jobs to teachers, workers to shifts etc. While agents may have arbitrary complementarities in preferences over sequences of dynamic assignments, mechanisms observed in practice are often static. In an environment with a continuum of agents and ordinal preferences, we show that any incentive compatible and ordinally efficient assignment can be achieved by a sequence of spot markets. Hence, the focus on static mechanisms may be without loss in dynamic problems.
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