Семинар лаборатории теории игр и принятия решений, 6 декабря: Дритиман Гупта
Тема: Prize Sharing Rules in Collective Contests: Towards Strategic Foundations
Докладчик: Дритиман Гупта, ВШЭ
Дата и время: 6 декабря, 15.00
Место: Кантемировская 3/1, 5 этаж
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Дритиман Гупта (ВШЭ) выступит с докладом "Prize Sharing Rules in Collective Contests: Towards Strategic Foundations".
Время: 15:00
Аннотация: In this paper we deal with situations of collective contests between two groups over a private prize. A well known way to divide the prize within the winning group is the prize sharing rule introduced by Nitzan (1991). Since its introduction it has become a standard in the collective contests literature. Despite its popularity this rule is ad hoc. In this paper we try to provide strategic foundations to it. To achieve that aim we introduce another rule which represents intra-group cooperation. We give both the groups a choice between the prize sharing rules and cooperative rules in an appropri- ately constructed game. We find that the prize sharing rules may indeed be chosen by both groups in an equilibrium of a Coordination game, where the other equilibrium is both groups choosing the cooperative rule. However, the equilibrium with cooperative rules payoff dominates the one with the prize sharing rules. But, when we subject the equilibria to the selection criterion of risk dominance and security principle, we find that indeed the equilibrium with the prize sharing rules may be chosen under certain circumstances. This helps us establish robust strategic foundations of the prize sharing rules.
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